Control the narrative with PR services from Jell

Take control of your reputation with strategic communications and PR campaigns from Jell.
Driving revenue for emerging brands including:

Reach the media and your customers all at once

Press Releases

Develop impactful press releases that generate media pickups and visibility across the web.

Content Distribution

Targeted placement ensures broad coverage across relevant platforms and audiences.


Measure results through detailed media reports on news mentions, audience, and overall reach.

Strategic reputation management

Jell's public relations services focus on proactively managing and improving your online reputation. Through strategic communication, crisis management, and positive media coverage, we help build trust, credibility, and a favorable public image for your business.

Media relations and exposure

Our communications team fosters strong relationships with the media to secure valuable press coverage. We create, publish, and distribute compelling stories, press releases, and pitches to generate media interest and ensure your business is prominently featured in relevant news outlets.

Thought leadership

Position your brand as an industry leader with our PR expertise. We help you develop and communicate insights, expert opinions, and valuable content that establish your authority in your field, attracting new customers and opportunities.

Crisis communication

In times of crisis, our PR services are your trusted partner. We provide a swift and strategic response to mitigate damage, protect your reputation, and guide your business through challenging situations.

Public relations can be stressful, but Jell makes it easy

When dealing with the media, you need expert guidance and strategic communications plans. Jell's the agency for the job.

Hire Experts

Work with our certified team of communications experts to help deliver positive messaging to the public.

Save Time

Focus on what you do best while we plan, build, and deliver your public relations strategy.

See Results

Your business deserves more limelight, and we'll help you get there by using the industry's best strategies and tools.

Expect great things from your marketing agency

Jell is a full-service digital marketing agency that partners with brands to tackle their most important marketing challenges.


Make it easy for your customers to find you organically with search engine optimization.
Popular Services
Page Optimization
Keyword Research
Link Building
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Email Marketing

Build, deliver, and measure personalized email campaigns that nurture your audience.
Popular Services
List Segmentation
A/B Testing
Drip Campaigns
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Paid Ads

Drive sales revenue with pay-per-click campaigns on search and social media.
Popular Services
Campaign Management
Targeted Reach
Conversion Tracking
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Website Design

Attract more visitors to your website with beautifully designed pages and layouts.
Popular Services
Responsive Layouts
Visual Branding
User Experience
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Social Media

Engage, grow, and convert your social media audience into loyal, paying customers.
Popular Services
Content Creation
Engagement Boosting
Community Development
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Public Relations

Generate brand awareness through impactful public and media relations campaigns.
Popular Services
Press Releases
Content Distribution
Media Monitoring
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Frequently asked questions

What are public relations services?

PR services cover a range of strategic communication practices aimed at managing and improving a company's reputation and public image. These services involve the creation of compelling narratives, press releases, and media relations to secure positive coverage in various channels. Jell's PR professionals work diligently to build and maintain trust with key stakeholders, including customers, investors, employees, and the general public.

Does my business need a PR agency?

If your business is in need of reputation management, media relations, crisis communication, and thought leadership, a PR agency's expertise can be instrumental. PR agencies bring expert skills to the table to establish media relationships and set the narrative. Additionally, if your business is facing potential PR crises or seeking long-term brand recognition, a PR agency's guidance can be a valuable asset. Ultimately, the decision comes down to your business needs, available resources, and budget considerations.

How do I select the right PR services agency?

Selecting the right PR services agency is a key decision for your business's reputation and growth. To start, clearly define your PR goals, whether it's brand recognition, crisis management, product launches, or thought leadership. You'll then want to assess the agency's experience and specialization, favoring those with a proven track record in your industry or relevant PR challenges. Investigate their reputation through client reviews and references, and meet the team to ensure a cohesive and collaborative working relationship. Also, consider their communication style and responsiveness, which are vital for effective PR efforts.