Nurture your contacts with email marketing services

Send email campaigns that nurture, convert, and retain your target audience.
Driving revenue for emerging brands including:

Convert your email marketing leads into customers

Personalized Emails

Increase engagement and conversions with custom campaigns that resonate with each recipient, at the right time.

Design & Build

Build beautifully-responsive emails that look great on any device, enhancing user experience and engagement.

Workflow Automation

Nurture leads and solidify customer relationships with streamlined communication and automated journeys.

High Deliverability

Ensure your emails land in your subscribers' inboxes with Jell's strategies for high open rates.

Dynamic Content

Deliver dynamic email marketing content based on user behavior, A/B testing, and topic relevance.

Actionable Insights

Gain valuable insights from your email campaign performance, from open and click rates to conversions and more.

Improved engagement

Email marketing services allow you to build more meaningful connections with your audience. By delivering relevant content directly to your contact's inboxes, you can capture their attention and nurture their interest. Our email engagement strategies often lead to higher open and click rates for our customers.

Cost-effective marketing

Email marketing is one of the most cost-effective digital marketing channels available. With lower overheads compared to paid advertising, email campaigns offer a high return on investment. Jell's email marketing services enable you to reach a wide audience without breaking the bank, making it an ideal choice for businesses of all sizes looking to reduce marketing spend.

Scalability and automation

Whether you have a small subscriber list or a large database, our email services can efficiently manage your email campaigns. Plus, with automation features, we can help you to streamline repetitive tasks, such as sending welcome emails, drip campaigns, and abandoned cart reminders. This not only saves time but also ensures timely and consistent communication with your audience.

Measurable results

Our email team will provide you with all the data and analytics to accurately measure the performance of your campaigns. We'll help you track metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, conversion rates, and subscriber behavior. These insights allow you to adjust your strategies, improve your campaign effectiveness, and make informed decisions for future email marketing campaigns.

Your customers are waiting to hear from you

Get more value from your email marketing. Hire Jell to build and manage your campaigns, and grow your email lists.

Hire Experts

Work with our certified team of digital marketing experts to help deliver impactful email campaigns.

Save Time

Focus on what you do best while we plan, manage, maintain, and measure your email marketing program.

See Results

Your website deserves more growth, and we'll help you get there by using the industry's best tools.

Expect great things from your marketing agency

Jell is a full-service digital marketing agency that partners with brands to tackle their most important marketing challenges.


Make it easy for your customers to find you organically with search engine optimization.
Popular Services
Page Optimization
Keyword Research
Link Building
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Email Marketing

Build, deliver, and measure personalized email campaigns that nurture your audience.
Popular Services
List Segmentation
A/B Testing
Drip Campaigns
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Paid Ads

Drive sales revenue with pay-per-click campaigns on search and social media.
Popular Services
Campaign Management
Targeted Reach
Conversion Tracking
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Website Design

Attract more visitors to your website with beautifully designed pages and layouts.
Popular Services
Responsive Layouts
Visual Branding
User Experience
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Social Media

Engage, grow, and convert your social media audience into loyal, paying customers.
Popular Services
Content Creation
Engagement Boosting
Community Development
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Public Relations

Generate brand awareness through impactful public and media relations campaigns.
Popular Services
Press Releases
Content Distribution
Media Monitoring
Explore service

Frequently asked questions

What are email marketing services?

Email marketing services involve crafting, sending, and managing email campaigns to reach and engage target audiences. These services benefit businesses by enabling direct communication with customers, driving conversions, fostering brand loyalty, and providing measurable results. They facilitate personalized messaging, automation, and data-driven insights, making campaigns more effective and efficient.

How do email marketing services build audiences?

Email marketing services help to further develop customer relationships through consistent and personalized communication. Businesses can send tailored content, product recommendations, and exclusive offers that resonate with recipients' preferences. Automated workflows nurture leads, guiding them through the sales funnel, while segmented lists ensure subscribers receive relevant content, strengthening brand loyalty and customer engagement.

Why is email marketing deliverability important?

Effective email marketing deliverability can be ensured through various strategies from Jell. Email marketing services adhere to industry best practices such as using permission-based lists, authentication protocols, and segmentation. They optimize email content and design for mobile responsiveness, conduct A/B testing, and monitor sender reputation. By minimizing spam triggers and maintaining high-quality content, services enhance the chances of emails reaching recipients' inboxes.

What metrics are tracked during email campaigns?

Email marketing services track metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, conversion rates, bounce rates, and unsubscribe rates. These metrics provide insights into campaign performance, allowing businesses to refine strategies. Open rates indicate subject line effectiveness, click-through rates gauge content relevance, and conversion rates measure campaign success. Bounce and unsubscribe rates help maintain list quality. Our email marketing services analyze these metrics to optimize campaigns and create content based on subscribers' preferences.